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Membership & Baptism

If you are interested in making Calvary Baptist your church home, we invite you to take the next step and go through our Exploring Church Membership seminar. The ECM seminar is held once a quarter. If you are unable to attend with the rest of the group,  you can also speak to a pastor who will be able to walk through the seminar materials with you. The purpose of the ECM seminar is to give you a look at our mission, our programs, and our expectations for members and to give you an opportunity to ask questions. We want you to be fully informed before making such an important decision as to which church you will join.


Our ECM seminar is a total of 3 hours, usually spread over two Sundays (lunch and childcare provided). If you attend both sessions and are committed to joining our church, there is an application to fill out and return to one of our pastors. Once completed, we will schedule a membership interview with you.


If you are seeking membership but have not yet been baptized as a believer, then during the membership interview, we will also answer any questions you have about baptism and will schedule a Sunday for you to be baptized publicly as a testimony to your allegiance to Christ.


The final step is to share your testimony briefly at our next quarterly member meeting (held the third Wednesday in January, April, July, and October at 7:00 PM). At this point, you will be warmly welcomed into our church membership by our current members.

  • Children's Ministry

  • Nursery

  • CalvaryKIDS Sundays & Wednesdays

  • Youth Ministry

  • Women's Ministry

  • Men's Ministry



Prayer Ministry
  • Wednesday 7:30 pm

HOPE Table
  • Last Saturday of the Month
Benevolence Ministry
Missionary Support
Short-term mission trips
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